James Lee 

Community Center

AARP TaxAide at James Lee Community Center


If you are not feeling well, please wait until you have recovered to come to James Lee to have your return prepared.



Taxpayers must come to James Lee in person during our working hours.  Where possible, your return will be prepared the same day.  If taxpayers coming on a given day exceed our capacity, we will make an appointment for you to return another day of your choosing.


Tax preparation at James Lee will be from 1:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning on February 1st.  

Please do not come to James Lee until you have all of the tax forms you expect to receive. Bring all those forms with you, as well as:

When you arrive, we will provide you with a form you must complete for us to be able to prepare your return.

We will then conduct an interview to review your documents, make sure that we can prepare your return, and assess what your return will entail. 

You will then move to a tax counselor to have your return prepared.

James Lee Community Center

2855 Annandale Road

Falls Church, VA 22042